Sunday, September 23, 2018

McVee, Bailey, & Shanahan: Response

I really liked this article, it gave me a better look into what goes into our class! It was interesting to see the transition this teacher made when first teaching this class, and then what he learned after teaching it a few times. A quote that reminded me of our class was "When I first began introducing technology to my teaching I thought bout how much flexibility is needed to make a class run smoothly.". It really made me think about how our class is so flexible and that I really enjoy that aspect of our class. I always feel as if we never rush things, we take the time we need to, to finish what we are working on. Another part of this article I liked was how always having a backup plan is strongly encouraged. I feel as a future teacher, that is going to be a very important thing to remember and is also something I have been taught in my other classes as well. My favorite part of the article was the talk about incorporating humor into the class, I feel that many teachers/professors don't feel that way, and it is really refreshing that some teachers/professors still like to make learning enjoyable!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the point that our class feels very flexible. I love that our work is purposeful, yet things don't feel rushed. I have a lot of memories of classroom experiences, both from high school and college, that felt very rushed and stressful. This never resulted in very good work from me because I was always rushing to get it done. I'm also going to try to make a flexible environment for my students as a future teacher.


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